When Should You Start Mitigating Storm Damage?

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When Should You Start Mitigating Storm Damage?

Homeowners should try to reduce the severity of storm damage within hours. Broken windows, roof damage, and standing water can cause conditions to deteriorate at a residence in Livingston, New Jersey.
We’ll work to provide timely around-the-clock service so that your home is restored to normal as quickly as possible. The safety of your loved ones is our top priority, and we would love the opportunity to serve you!

Wait Until the Storm Passes

Storms involving high winds, lightning, or other hazards can pose personal safety risks. Wait until the danger has passed before attempting to check on or mitigate storm damage. It is a good idea to inspect the following components:
The envelope of a residential structure seals out exterior moisture. Check the integrity of door and window fixtures, roofing, and drainage systems. Inspecting the premises after every severe weather event may prevent gradual damage accumulation.

Document Damage and Start Mitigation

Photograph or record video of storm damage to any part of a structure. It may also be helpful to keep relatively current footage of the undamaged system, as before and after footage can be beneficial…

Don’t Wait

Don’t let too much time go by–If a severe weather event has affected many homes in the same area, it may take days or weeks for an insurance adjuster to arrive on site and inspect the damage. If you wait to mitigate and clean up flood damage, primary water damage and secondary mold damage may become much worse
Documenting damage and taking steps toward mitigation sooner rather than later can limit the severity of water damage. After extracting water from a home in Livingston, New Jersey, timely cleanup, disinfection, and drying may reduce the total amount of cost of repair.
Start mitigating as soon as possible!

Flooded basement mud

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